Roatan Zip-n-Dip Group Tour - At a Glance...
Base Tour Fee - $65 for Zippers | $35 for Skippers | $10 for Non-Zipping Children Under Age 5
What's Included - R/T Transport | Mayan Zipline | Victor's Monkey & Sloth Sanctuary | West Bay Beach Day-Pass at one of our Partner Resorts
Tour Duration - Based on Ship's Time-in-Port
Tour Notes - Tour Departs 1-Hour after Ship's Arrival | Returns 1-Hour Prior to Ship's Departure

Includes Group Transportation [With Others from Your Ship] Our Vehicle Fleet Can Accommodate Up To 29-per Vehicle. Zip-n-Dip Tours are on a Set Itinerary with NO Customization. Once ALL guests have completed the zipline, the tour will continue to the beach.

No Additional Fee [Included with Zip-n-Dip Tour] Soar from jungle-tree platform to jungle-tree platform through 11 different ziplines (up to 1020' long / 300' high!), includes two suspension bridges, scenic view, No Height Restrictions (2 years old-Minimum Age / 295lb-Maximum Weight)...even FREE Victor's Monkey & Sloth Sanctuary access!

While Visiting Victor's Monkey & Sloth Sanctuary [On-Site Crafts/Souvenirs/Snacks & Drinks] Enjoy air-conditioned shopping for handmade mahogany crafts, vanilla, local arts & jewelry, Honduran coffee, sodas & snacks, as well as t-shirts and souvenirs at Victor's Monkey & Sloth Sanctuary/Mayan Jungle Canopy Zipline Gift Shop.

No Additional Fee [Included with Tour] Victor's Monkey & Sloth Sanctuary includes Monkeys, Sloths, Macaws, Parrots, Native Wildlife, On-site Souvenir Store, Restrooms, Free Wi-Fi, etc.

No Additional Fee [Includes Beach Lounger, Restroom/Shower Access] What the cruise lines refer to as "Tabayana Beach", our most beautiful, mile-long white sand beach has excellent snorkeling at the reef...just 30 yards from shore. Free WiFi is even available with Food/Drink Purchase. Our Partner Resorts vary based on resort occupancy, but include Henry Morgan's, Bananarama, Foster's, etc.

Rental Fees Vary [Available From Beach Vendors] Jet Skis, Banana-boat rides, Canoes, Kayaks, etc. are all available for rent from beach vendors.

Add $85 per Participant [45 Minutes] Meet the parasail boat and head-out for an amazing adventure. For 12-minutes, you'll sail 1.5 miles off of and 800-feet above the Roatan shoreline and Meso-American reef complex!

No Entrance Fees [Located Behind Bananarama] A great place for last-minute shopping, quick eats, or just a nice place to get away from the beach for a while! La Placita has un poco de todos!

Price Varies [Self Paced] Food/Beverages are not provided, but we will be happy to recommend a restaurant or bar for some local food, or some comfort food from home. Just give your guides an idea of the price range and type of food that you'd like.